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Title: Princípios Básicos de Mecânica Celeste
Authors: Souza, Lucas Henrique Mendes de
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Santos, Marcelo Pedro dos
Keywords: Mecânica celeste;Kepler, Leis de;Newton, Leis de
Issue Date: 19-Dec-2019
Citation: SOUZA, Lucas Henrique Mendes de. Princípios Básicos de Mecânica Celeste. 2019. 43 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Matemática) – Departamento de Matemática, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, 2019.
Abstract: This work discusses the basic concepts for the study of the Celestia lMechanics. Assuming the three Newton’s Laws we demonstrate Kepler’s Laws. Inaddition, some specific concepts that arrise from Celestial Mechanics, are also studied, such as the areal speed, system angular momentum, orbit classification.
Appears in Collections:TCC - Licenciatura em Matemática (Sede)

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